950 studies to determine flour fortification conducted at the NCE
950 исследований на определение фортификации муки провели в НЦЭ 30.01.2023

RSE on REM "National Center of Expertise" of the CSEC of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 12 months of last year, as part of monitoring the safety of food products throughout the country, conducted 950 studies to determine the fortification of flour.

During 2022, the NCE laboratories received 397 flour samples, of which 336 samples were of domestic production, where 95 samples did not meet the regulatory requirements, as well as 61 samples of flour from CIS countries, where 11 non-compliances were identified.

The results of laboratory studies have shown that sometimes manufacturers do not follow the process of fortifying flour with a premix.

It must be remembered that most of the food products lose their useful properties as a result of technological processing, and the best way to restore them is to enrich the flour with vitamins and microelements.

Fortification is the process of introducing small amounts of a vitamin-mineral complex, the so-called premix, into flour during grinding, which improves the quality and nutritional value of the product.